Sunday, 5 August 2012

Lord of the Dead

So what did you do with your thursday night?
We spent last thursday shooting a Kickstarter campaign video for Lord Lav. For those of you who don't know what Kickstarter is, it's a website where you upload a video of yourself explaining a project you need funding for and offer perks that reflect the amounts people pledge, which are decided by yourself.

The original idea for the video was to have Lav sat in the studio telling you what he needed the money for, so we set the lights up and as always started talking. The conversation quickly turned to "you know what would make a really cool video"...
The title of the album is Lord of the Dead and is a concept album set in a world where zombies have taken over. Proclaiming himself as a newly found lord of the manor Lord Lav sets about living the life of luxury whilst society falls into ruins.

As a result of the conversation in the studio we scrapped the idea of a normal straight to camera piece and decided to set up a scene that would better reflect both the concept of the album and the humour Lav wanted to inject into the campaign.

Over the next three weeks we would scour charity shops and gather make up supplies and start to collect our zombie volunteers. Thursday night came around and everything fell into place. My sister and her boyfriend made up all of the zombies and everyone pitched in to distress their own clothes. Lana cut up her t-shirt with a pen knife whilst wearing it that turned out not to be such a great idea.
Gaz ate more than his share of red food colouring, Justin shot a time lapse of the whole thing and Lav kept us all in tea for the night.

We will be editing the video on monday with a view to getting it finished and uploaded by the end of the week, so keep checking back and I will be posting the link as soon as it's done.

A massive thanks to all of our zombies and to Jake for lending us his camera (and their instagram names to see more zombie pictures)

Emma - @emmaluckins
Jake - @jakeycboyo
Justin - @lightreflected
Laura -
Lex - @alexisshep
Yasmin - @yazmoogle

I have also been uploading a lot of the pictures to my instagram account @zomtographer

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